Want to Guest Blog?

Don't be shy! If you've got something funny, political, philosophical, religious, controversial or just plain interesting that you'd like to say to my readers let me know. I'd love to start having guest posts from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just read your comments on Hell's Angels and loved them. I was Hunter's copy editor for Hell's Angels, at Random House, and recently published his letters to me then (with context) in Keep This Quiet! My Relationship with Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, and Jan Mensaert. I would love to guest blog on this with you. And also, I want to repost a few lines from your review onto my KTQ! website. You wrote, "The book is amazing. It's objective, biased, horrifying and profound. At times you feel like you're reading a nature book on some brutish animal and at other times you feel like you're peeking into the soul of all mankind. There is never a dull moment and at times you feel scared for the author. At other times you feel jealous that he's partying with Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey and the Hell's Angels while everyone is out of their gourd on LSD." Yes, indeed. Just like Hunter. My e-mail address is marharrell@hotmail.com. Thanks for the lively website!


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